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Rating: 1

Description: USA by: Glenn and Linus. FACTS Area: 9 370 000 square km Population: 261 000 000 (1995) Capital: Washington DC 610 000 (1995) ...


Rating: 2

Description: Sweden Sweden is the largest of the five Nordic countries. It is long and narrow, with a maximum north-south extent of 1,574 km (978 MI) and a maximum east-west extent of 499 km (310 MI). Sweden sha...

Scotland 2

Rating: 2

Description: SCOTLAND The first rightful ruler of Scotland was Kenneth I in 843. Before this , Scotland was ruled by the Cristrian church and the clans. The word Clan is Gaelic and means family. Scotland has an ...

New Zealand

Rating: 5

Description: New Zealand The land Fact Capital: Wellington. Area: 269,057 km2 Climate: Mild and rainy. Population: 3,430,000 Official language:...

New Jersey

Rating: 3

Description: New Jersey The Land New Jersey is entirely surownded by water. The state is separated from Pensylvania on the west by Delaware river, wich flows south into Delawa...


Rating: 4

Description: [pic] Climate Malawi lies near the equator therefore it a climate where the temperatures are very high and also greatly influenced by the altitude of the lakes. The dry months are usually during th...


Rating: 3.33

Description: When hockey came to the village The history of Leksand is a history which is taken from the record- magazine. The team cultivated already 1919 and the goal was to play bandy ...

Ireland 1

Rating: 4.5

Description: IRELAND History The oldest signs of human settlers on Ireland is around 9000 years old. The settlers probably started farming around 3000 BC Around 500 BC the celt tribes immmigrated to ireland. 20...


Rating: 2

Description: India Facts: Area: 3287000 square kilometers Population: 953 millions Capital city: New Delhi Religion: Hindu and Islam Language: Hindi, English + 200 other la...


Rating: 2

Description: Hawaii Pop: 1.1 billion Landarea: 28313 sq km Coastline: 1207 km Average temperature: 23.9c Hawaii is the only Pacific state of the United states. It consists ...