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Slaget vid Stalingrad
Rating: 4Description: [pic] Operation Barbarossa - att inta all mark mellan östra Polen och ryska floden Volga - inleddes den 22 juni 1941 och var under de sex första månaderna en enorm framgån...
Sankt Petersburg
Rating: 4Description: [pic] "Du skapelse af Peters drömmar jag älskar dig, så stolt, så hvit din Nevas breda, klara strömmar ...
Rating: 4Description: ETIOPIEN Etiopien ligger långt ut till höger i Afrika. Och nära ekvatorn. Etiopiens yta är 1 157 600 km2 . Och har 57 miljoner invånare. I Etiopien pratar man ...
Ett priject om många olika material på engelska
Rating: 1Description: By: Philip.S 8:D Cotton: For thousands of years, cotton has been used to make lightweight cloth in tropical areas. Some people claim that the ancient Egyptians used cotton for 14,000 years a...
Rating: 4Description: InnehållsförteckningSid. Innehåll 1 Försättsblad 2 Innehållsförteckning 3 Atombomben, inledning Atombombens utvecklin...
Rating: 2Description: Fact about Tupac: Tupac's favourite actor was Jim Carrey. Tupac wanted to call his children Star if it was a girl or Michelangelo if it was a boy. The firs...
Tupac Del 2
Rating: 1Description: Tupacs EnemiesP.Diddy: P.Diddy and Tupac were never good friends before Tupac wrote a contract with Death Row. Death Rows managing director Suge Knight was already angry at P.Diddy but Tupac didn'...
Roling Stones på engelska
Rating: 2.5Description: [pic] Hannes Berg 2005Group members The Rolling Stones is an English group build in 1962 in England, the original member are: Mick Jagger: His real name is Michael Philip Jagge...
The Woman Who Walked Into Doors
Rating: 3Description: A book review of "The Woman who Walked into Doors" | | |Sofia Kleban | |Es2TB | "The Woman Who Walked into Doors" is a book about a woman in her late 30- ies. Her name is Paula Spencer....