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Graham Greene - Travels With My Aunt

Rating: 4.5

Description: Travels With My Aunt I liked this book a lot. It was very funny, I also learnet a lesson from it. I learned that you can have fun even when you are old, ant that love has no age. The book Travels W...

Jeffrey Archer - Twelve Red Herrings

Rating: 3

Description: Twelve red herrings by Jeffrey Archer I have read the book \"Twelve red herrings\" by Jeffrey Archer. It\'s a book of twelve separate short stories that deal with situations th...

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings 1

Rating: 5

Description: The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R Tolkien The Lord of the Rings is a novel consisting of three volumes which themselves are divided in to two books each. The story is very vast and obviously very thoro...


Rating: 1

Description: Myst This book is very hard to explain. To explain the book you need to know the basicsd about the world that the characters live in. The base of this world is ...

Roald Dahl - Kiss Kiss

Rating: 1

Description: Novelreport Introduction \"Kiss, Kiss\" by Roald Dahl is a collection of small novels previously published in newspapers. I chose this book because I\'ve read books by this author before, and I l...

Sidney Sheldon - Morning Noon and Night

Rating: 1

Description: Morning, Noon and Night Pages: 368 Words: 3200 This page turning book is written by Sidney Sheldon. He is an amazing writer. I Love his books and I hope there will be many mor...

Atombomben 2

Rating: 5

Description: Atombomben Innehållsförteckning Vittnen berättar 3 Inledning 4 Atombombens konstruktion Fission 5 Pistolassemblering 6 Implosionsemblering 7 Katalysation av Plutoniumbomb...

Atombomben 3

Rating: 2

Description: So önskekurs - Atombomben Innehåll Atombombens utveckling. Hiroshima och Nagasaki. Egna funderingar/Jämförelser: Atombomben, värre en vanlig krigsföring?, varför bombade man? Atombomb...


Rating: 3

Description: DYNAMITEN Dynamit är ett sprängämne som används i första hand till gruvbrytning, tunnelbyggen, vägbyggen, bottenladdning i borrhål samt annan byggverksamh...


Rating: 5

Description: Kärnenergi Med kärnenergi menas den energi som används eller produceras när atomkärnor \"görs om\". Kärnenergin ger sprängkraft åt atombomber och vätebomber, såväl som den driver många ...