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John Steinbeck - of Mice and Men 2

Rating: 3

Description: Of mice and men The book \"of mice and men\" is written by John Steinbeck . it is about two guys named \"lennie\" and \"george\". They are traveling workers that tr...

John Steinbeck - of Mice and Men 1

Rating: 3

Description: Mattias Thuresson Book report John Steinbeck\'s \"Of mice and men\" George and Lennie, two desolate drifters, walk from farm to farm to find at least a few days of work. This time, they are heading f...

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings 2

Rating: 1

Description: Review on The Lord of the Rings, The fellowship of the ring I have read the book \"Lord of the Rings; The Fellowship of the Ring\", written by J.R.R ...

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings 1

Rating: 5

Description: The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R Tolkien The Lord of the Rings is a novel consisting of three volumes which themselves are divided in to two books each. The story is very vast and obviously very thoro...

John Marsden - Letters from the Inside

Rating: 4

Description: Fear in \"Letters from the inside\" I have chosen to write about fear as a theme in \"Letters from the inside\". \"Letters from the inside\" is a book written by John Marsden. It is about two penpal...

John Grisham - The Firm

Rating: 3

Description: THE FIRM by John Grisham The firm is about a young man who works in a little resturant and really want to to become a lawyer, he studies very hard to reach his goal. So when he finnished his s...

John Fowler - The Collector

Rating: 1

Description: The Collector \"The Collector\" is a novel written by John Fowler. The story is about the lovely Miranda who is a prisoner in Fred Clegg´s cellar, which is in the c...

Joan Lingard - Across the Barricades

Rating: 3.67

Description: Across The Barricades Joan Lingard has written a series of books about Kevin and Sadie who lives in Belfast, Northern Ireland. \"Across the barricades\" is the second of five books. \"...

Jeffrey Archer - Twelve Red Herrings

Rating: 3

Description: Twelve red herrings by Jeffrey Archer I have read the book \"Twelve red herrings\" by Jeffrey Archer. It\'s a book of twelve separate short stories that deal with situations th...

Jeffrey Archer - A Twist in the Tail

Rating: 1

Description: A Twist in the Tail By: Jeffrey Archer This book has ten short stories from master-storyteller Jeffrey Archer all containing unexpected surprises for the reader. A first reading makes you want to k...