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Edmonton Oilers

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 5

Description: The Edmonton Oilers Some facts General Manager: Glen Sather Head Coach: Kevin Lowe Assistant Coach: Craig MacTavish and Ted Green Fi...


Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 5

Description: Diving We people have always been atracted of the possibility to go down under the surface and stay in the quiet and mysterious underwaterworld. The way to todays advanced diving technic is long. To...

Digestion of the Food That We Eat

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 4

Description: Digestion of the food that we eat Malin Henriksson SPIN 2D 2000-01-13 ...


Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 3

Description: Introduction I\'ve chosen this subject because of my own interest in dance and where it comes from. As you already know I think dance is a good way to express emotions and feelings to an audience, a...


Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 4

Description: Christiania Jonna Nilsson, SO/NO Åsa, 11 January 2001 The story of Christiania is colourf...


Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 2

Description: Australia Boomerangs The boomerang is a long ranged, curved throwing stick used chiefly by the aborigines of Australia for hunti...

Belle and Sebastian

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 3

Description: Who are Belle and Sebastian? [pic] Belle and Sebastian are not two persons that sing, as I first thought when I heard them. Many people t...


Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 3

Description: AC/DC Year 1955, same year that Elvis began perform and Bill Harley stood on scene, one of the worlds greatest guitarists was born, Angus Young. Angus and he...

Vad är en Hacker

Kategori: Data | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 4

Description: Vad är en H@©k£® Hur allt startade De första personerna som kallades hackers var några personer på 60-talet, dessa personer var då sprida över hela världen...

Tankar kring IT

Kategori: Data | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 3

Description: Väldigt sammanfattade tankar kring IT och framtiden IT. Vitt begrepp. Oftast förknippas det väl med datorer och Internet, men det innefattar m...