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vindkraft - argumenterande text
Kategori: Svenska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 3Description: Varför Vindkraft?1980 hade Sverige en folkomröstning om kärnkraft. Linje 2 vann precis över Linje 3 med sina 39,1%, då Linje 3 hade 38,7%. Linje 2 innebar att vi skulle behålla kärnkraften oc...
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 1Description: The topic for this paper is to compare three English speaking countries school and education systems. Since this topic is very large I have chosen to focus my investigation on the elementary schoo...
Engelska Text A4
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 2Description: November PageThis time I will talk about the country Barbados. I have been there five times and it's always very, very fun. Barbados is a small island and it's not bigger than Bornholm. It lives 27...
Pablo picasso
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 3Description: Pablo picasso - The spanish artist.Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born 25 October 1881 in Malaga in south Spain. He was the son of an the academic painter,Jose Ruiz Blasc...
Teasure Island
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 4Description: Bernard Pettersson 2005-05-17 Alléskolan Vt-05 [pic] [pic] ...
Fossila bränslen och RME
Kategori: Biologi | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 4Description: Fossila Bränslen ReningsteknikSom förbränningsanläggningar och de flesta typer av fordon, finns reningsteknik som kan ta bort mer ä...
four days in england
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 2Description: Four days in England My fly i bought from sas for 4 764 kr and the return flight also 4 764 On my first day i should look att the city and look at some clothes and look at the london eye i think i ...
JACk the RipPer
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 2Description: horrific murders, which remain to this day unsolved. The unknown assailant, formerly known as "Leather Apron", later to be referred as "Jack the Ripper", stalked the dimly lit, fog blanketed streets...
Nelson Mandela
Kategori: Historia | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 4Description: NELSON MANDELAVem är Nelson Mandela? Vad var hans drivkraft? I den här uppsatsen får du som läsare reda på hans liv från barnsben till vistelsen på Robben Isla...
The story about Malcolm X
Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 2Description: The story about Malcolm X [pic] [pic] Some fast fact about Malcolm, so it will be easier to understand who he was and what he did: Malcolm X Little, later El-Hajj ...