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the sun and the stars

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 5

Description: [pic] Life here on earth would be impossible without the sun. The heat from it keeps the temperature up, so life can exist. The vegetation on this planet uses the light to get the energy t...

In the shadow of the sun

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 5

Description: In the Shadow of the sun In the beautiful kingdom, Canczelotte.The sun rose with a happy smile and washed away the tears of the night. The morning sun shone through the win...

South Africa

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 2

Description: [pic] Contents . Facts - page 3 . Flag - page 3 . Landscape - page 4 . Black and White - page 4 . Education - page 5 . Language- page 5...

The Three Grashoppers In Traduras Kingdom

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 5

Description: The Three Grasshoppers in Traduras Kingdom Once upon a time there were three grasshoppers. The three grasshoppers felt very hungry after a long day of jumping around chas...

American History X

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 5

Description: American History XA harrowing look at hatred in modern-day America, Tony Kaye's "American History X" is a film that pulls no punches and offers no easy answers. What it does offer is a landmark perf...


Kategori: Geografi | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 1

Description: 3 av 7 Compulsory factsIceland is a country that belongs to the Nordic countries. Iceland is an island in the north Atlant...

Hur fjärrkontrollen fungerar [KORTFATTAT] - [ENGELSK]

Kategori: Teknologi | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 1

Description: The remote controlThe piece of technology I like the most, is the amazing Remote Control. I use it every day when I watch television and to controlling my sterio. The remote control has many us...

Specialarbete - Harry Potter och Kristendomen

Kategori: Svenska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 1

Description: Harry Potter och kampen mot kyrkan! [pic] AV: Anna Karlsson, ES3M Kapitel. . Harry Potter - Oskyldig barnbok eller satanistisk...

Dead poets society

Kategori: Engelska | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 4

Description: Dead Poets Society by N.H KleinbaumThe year is 1959 and some excited boys are sitting in the raw of benches in a chapel. Some are old pupils and others are new, but they are all excited for one reas...

Linkin Park (muntlig/skriftlig redovisning)

Kategori: Musik | Typ av uppsats: Gymnasieuppsats | Rating: 3.33

Description: Linkin Park Linkin Park har gjort sig kända för en mix av alternativ rock, hiphop och elektronisk musik. Bandets debutalbum "Hybrid Theory" sålde mycket bra. I mars kom uppfölj-aren "Meteora", ...